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Be an in-demand I.T. Professional with APtech's Program

Today, technology forms a big part of our lives. With the growing dependence of business on Information Technology (I.T.), there is a large demand for skilled professionals who possess technical expertise in the I.T. sector. Keeping in mind the increasing significance of IT and cater for the working professional requirements, Aptech Computer Education has introduced Professional Courses. These Professional Courses are of short duration wherein the customer can choose the technologies, he/she would like to learn or master based on his/her career interest. Payingh attention to the significance and the functions of these courses we have divided.


(For both Career Starters and Professionals)

The main goal of the course is to provide the students with the knowledge of Windows 10 fundamentals and various products of Microsoft office 2016 suite. These products include Microsoft Word 2016, Microsoft Excel 2016, Microsoft PowerPoint 2016, and Microsoft Outlook 2016. Additionally, the course covers Sway, OneNote, and OneDrive.

Learn More
  • Understand the Windows 10 Operating System
  • Create professional documents in Microsoft Word 2016
  • Create worksheets with formulas, functions, and various styles in Microsoft Excel 2016
  • Create powerful presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint 2016
  • Manage mails and schedules using Outlook 2016
  • Understand the use of Sway, OneNote, and OneDrive

At the end of this module, student will be able to:

  • Explain customization of the Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar
  • Explain proofing and management of Add-ins
  • Describe built-in and custom templates in Excel
  • Explain importing and exporting of XML data in Excel
  • Describe worksheet protection and locking/unlocking of cells
  • Explain workbook protection, finalization, and encryption of workbook
  • Explain shared workbook and change tracking in a shared workbook
  • Explain the process of recovering unsaved versions of a file
  • Explain tracing of formula precedents and dependents
  • Explain Data Validation tool and checking common errors in a file
  • Explain iterative calculation and setting calculation precision
  • Describe the use of single cell and multi cell array formula
  • Explain SUMIFS(), COUNTIFS(), and basic counting functions
  • Describe Statistical and Financial functions
  • Describe Date and Time functions
  • Describe Text, Logical, and LookUp functions
  • Explain the importance of chart and the different types of chart
  • Explain modification of chart elements, chart area, plot area, and chart axes
  • Describe formatting of chart title, legend, and gridlines
  • Explain Trend lines and data series
  • Explain Dual axes and chart templates
  • Describe combination chart, error bars, and data tables
  • Explain conditional formatting of data using data bars, color scales, and icon sets
  • Explain Sparklines
  • Describe sorting and filtering of labels and values in a PivotTable Report
  • Describe the use slicer for a PivotTable
  • Explain creation of PivotChart Report
  • Explain changing of the chart type of a PivotChart Report
  • Explain Analysis Tool Pak
  • Explain single factor and two factor tool with and without replication
  • Describe Correlation and Covariance
  • Explain Exponential smoothing and F-Test two-sample for variances
  • Describe Histogram and moving average
  • Explain Random number generation and t-Test
  • Describe Goal seek and Solver for what-if analysis
  • Explain one-input and two-input data table and scenario
  • Explain creating and running a macro
  • Explain assigning macro to a command button
  • Explain creation of a custom macro button on the Quick Access Toolbar
  • Describe macro security
  • Describe Form controls
  • Work with Date, Time, Data Type and Conversion Functions
  • Work with Financial Functions
  • Link Workbooks and Summarize Data

At the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Describe parts of a computer
  • List new technologies in computer
  • Explain data storage in computers
  • Describe the evolution of computer languages
  • List the different modeling tools for program designing
  • Explain algorithm
  • Explain flowcharts and its symbols
  • Explain pseudocodes
  • Explain IF and IF..ELSE selection construct
  • Explain case construct
  • Define operators
  • List the different types of operators
  • Describe the use of arithmetical and relational operators
  • Identify the precedence of operators in an expression
  • Explain looping constructs
  • Describe the different types of loops
  • Define structured programming and its benefits
  • Identify the modeling tool used for structured programming
  • Describe the top-down approach in program designing
  • Define arrays
  • List the different types of arrays
  • Describe the searching and sorting techniques
  • Explain file organization
  • Describe different types of files
  • Explain the different file operations
  • Describe system flowcharts
  • Explain DFDs and decision tables
  • Describe HIPO charts
  • Define software programs
  • Describe the program development process
  • Explain programming languages
  • Explain program execution and program testing
  • Explain the basic concept of program, including variable, data types and expressions
  • Explain the basic Flow Control of a C program
  • Explain point of C program focusing data and structured programming
  • Explain array, structures, pointers, basic arithmetic and other basic data

Be full-fledged Website developer using HTML5 and Web frameworks.

The student will learn the following modules in this course:

  • Building Next Generation Websites
  • Bootstrap and jQuery
  • AngularJS

The course contents are specially designed for those who are keen on getting themselves a career in the field of Website development.

After the completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Use HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript to implement programming logic, define and use variables, perform looping and branching, develop user interfaces, capture and validate user input, store data, and create well-structured applications
  • Use Bootstrap, jQuery, and AngularJS to develop dynamic and responsive Web sites
  • Develop interactive Web sites using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript