Animation and multimedia are among the fastestgrowing industries in the world with numerous studios, webdesigning companies, VFx and film making companies searching for creative talent. In this highly competitive industry, you need to back your skills with the right tools and training to get a unique edge. Therefore, Arena Multiumedia presents the NEW Arena Multimedia Specialist Program (AMSP), a complete career program that teaches you the latest technologies to make you a Skills+ Professional. AMSP is atwo year Advanced Diploma Course which effectively trains you in 2D, 3D, ANimation, Multimiedia and Web Designing. The course takes you through the process of art direction, scripting, art of animation as well as project work.
ADIM certificate is awarded at the completion of AMSP program. Credit Transfer is available to top UK universities to complete a degree program..
Diploma in Multimedia certificate is awarded to students who completed the Year 1 of the AMSP program i.e Term 1 & 2.
Certificate in Multimedia is awarded to students who complete the Term 1 of the AMSP program. CIM program runs for 6 months.